Top 10 Cloud Cost Optimization Tools in 2024

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Top 10 Cloud Cost Optimization Tools in 2024
Top 10 Cloud Cost Optimization Tools in 2024

Cloud cost optimization continues to be a crucial focus for organizations, especially as global spending on public cloud services is projected to surge. Gartner, Inc. estimates that spending will increase by 20.4%, reaching $678.8 billion in 2024, up from $563.6 billion in 2023. This sharp rise in expenditure can be attributed to the complex nature of cloud services, which involve a vast amount of data and continually evolving pricing models and usage options.

In response to these challenges, the market has introduced various cloud cost optimization tools to help businesses manage and optimize their cloud expenses more effectively. These tools provide features ranging from real-time monitoring to predictive analytics, enabling businesses to identify inefficiencies and proactively reduce costs. 

In this blog, we will list the top 10 cloud cost optimization tools for 2024 and how your organization can use them to cut cloud expenses with minimal manual effort.

What is Cloud Cost Optimization?

Cloud cost optimization is adjusting your cloud usage and resources to reduce costs without compromising performance. This process includes careful analysis of your cloud usage to identify and eliminate inefficiencies, enabling more cost-effective deployment of cloud services.

The Benefits of Cloud Cost Optimization

Businesses using cloud cost optimization platforms can enhance their operational and financial health by implementing robust cost management strategies. Here’s a look at the most significant benefits:

  • Enhanced Cost Visibility: Cloud cost analysis helps businesses understand their spending patterns and identify opportunities for savings.
  • Increased Financial Accountability: Assign costs to specific departments or projects for better tracking and responsibility.
  • Optimal Resource Use: Identify and reduce underutilized resources to cut unnecessary expenses.
  • Efficient Scaling: Adjust resources accurately to meet application needs without excess.
  • Strategic Forecasting: Use precise cost projections to plan effectively for future needs.


Top 10 Cloud Cost Optimization Tools in 2024

Now that you understand what cloud cost optimization is and the benefits of using cloud cost optimization tools. These tools utilize various cloud cost optimization techniques to help you manage and reduce expenses effectively. Let’s dive into the top 10 cloud cost optimization tools available. For each tool, we’ll provide a concise description, highlight key features, and determine its pricing:

1. AWS CloudWatch
AWS CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch is designed to help users monitor their AWS resources and applications efficiently. CloudWatch integrates seamlessly with over 70 AWS services, making it a pivotal tool for understanding performance, resource utilization, and operational health. Amazon CloudWatch enables you to create tailored views of your metrics and alarms for close monitoring of system and application health. 

Here is how it can help you in cloud cost optimization:

  • Real-time Metrics: It provides real-time metrics to keep your spending in check and features cost anomaly alarms to prevent unexpected charges. 
  • Track Costs: You can track specific application costs and set budgets with custom metrics and budget features. 
  • Automated Adjustments: CloudWatch allows for automated adjustments in resource usage based on cost fluctuations, which is especially beneficial for ECS, EKS, and Kubernetes clusters. This tool suite ensures you maintain effective control over your cloud expenses.


You can get started with Amazon CloudWatch for free. Most AWS services (EC2, S3, Kinesis, etc.) send metrics automatically to CloudWatch for free. There is no upfront commitment or minimum fee. You simply pay for what you use and will be charged at the end of the month.

2. Densify


Densify, also known as Intel Cost Optimizer powered by Densify, is an advanced cloud cost optimization tool that automatically configures Kubernetes resources and cloud instances. It’s designed to help organizations streamline their cloud infrastructure efficiently. For qualifying organizations, Intel covers the license subscription, making it an accessible option for optimized cloud management. The main Features of Densify include:

  • Machine Learning Analysis: Uses AI to match applications to the best cloud infrastructure.
  • Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Support: Compatible with single, multi, and hybrid-cloud environments.
  • Resource Optimization: Identifies over-allocations and inefficiencies in instance usage, suggesting optimal configurations for cost reduction.
  • Performance Management: Ensures high performance while managing VMware, cloud, and container infrastructures.
  • Cost Management Tools: These tools provide visibility into cost trends, forecast spending based on historical data, and highlight unusual cost patterns for proactive management.



Densify offers a tiered pricing structure, which becomes more cost-effective with an increasing number of instances:

  • 1000-2000 instances: $48.30 per instance per year.
  • 2001-3000 instances: $43.47 per instance per year.
  • 3001-5000 instances: $39.12 per instance per year.

These rates apply for a 12-month subscription, and additional taxes or fees may be applicable.

3. Apptio Cloudability

Apptio Cloudability

Apptio Cloudability is a cloud financial management platform designed to enhance visibility and governance across cloud environments. It supports organizations in optimizing their cloud resources for cost, speed, and quality, making it an essential tool for businesses aiming to align cloud spending with business value. The main Features of Apptio Cloudability include:

  • Budgeting and Forecasting: This company offers tools for financial planning, helping teams forecast cloud spending and prepare accurate budgets.
  • Rightsizing Capabilities: Guides organizations in adjusting their cloud resources to match their needs, ensuring efficient utilization without overspending.
  • Integration with Monitoring Tools: Seamlessly integrates with cloud monitoring solutions like PageDuty and DataDog for deeper cost analysis and anomaly detection.
  • Tag Explorer: This tool includes a feature to identify missing tags across the infrastructure, aiding in cost allocation and optimization.



Cloudability offers tiered pricing based on the monthly AWS spend:

  • Up to $150K Monthly AWS Spend: Annual cost of $54,000. Additional fees apply for spending above this amount.
  • Up to $300K Monthly AWS Spend: Annual cost of $97,200. Additional fees apply for spending above this amount.
  • Up to $600K Monthly AWS Spend: Annual cost of $162,000. Additional fees apply for spending above this amount.

4. Harness


Harness is a CI/CD platform that is designed to enhance cost transparency, optimization, and governance, making it an essential tool for teams seeking to manage their cloud resources effectively. Below are the features of Harness: 

  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Automates the software delivery process, minimizing manual effort and speeding up time to market.
  • Feature Flags and Service Reliability Management: Allows safer code deployment and stable operations through progressive feature releases and reliable service monitoring.
  • Cloud Cost Management: Offers real-time visibility into cloud spending, with features that automatically shut down idle resources, optimizing costs.
  • Security Testing and Chaos Engineering: Enhances application security and resilience by systematically testing and improving against potential failures.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Supports consistent and repeatable cloud deployments using code, facilitating efficient infrastructure management across different environments.



  • ​​Free Plan:Cost: $0, includes 2000 cloud credits per month, 
  • Startup Plan: $57 per developer/month or $684 billed annually.
  • Enterprise Plan: Flexible pricing: Contact sales for details.

5. nOps

nOps - Cloud Cost Optimization Tool

nOps is an AI-powered FinOps automation platform specifically designed for AWS users. It helps reduce cloud costs by up to 50% through automation and intelligent optimization.  nOps streamlines cost optimization on autopilot, making it a valuable tool for AWS cost management. Important features of nOps include: 

  • Cost Consideration Engine: Automatically chooses the most cost-effective compute resources in real time.
  • Business Contexts: Provides complete visibility into AWS expenditures through detailed cost allocation, chargebacks, and tagging.
  • ShareSave: Offers risk-free management of EC2, RDS, and EKS commitments to optimize life-cycle costs.
  • nSwitch and nSwitch Essentials: Reduces costs by pausing idle resources and optimizing EBS storage through integrations with Git and Terraform.
  • AWS MAP Tracker: Enhances cloud migration efficiency by maximizing MAP funding, tagging resources, and tracking credits.
  • Machine Learning Optimization: Learned usage patterns to manage resources, handle reservations, and utilize cost-effective spot instances over more expensive alternatives.



nOps employs a unique pricing model where fees are based on a fraction of the savings achieved, ensuring that you only pay if actual cost reductions are realized. This performance-based pricing makes it a financially low-risk choice for AWS users looking to optimize cloud expenses effectively.

6. Flexera


Flexera is a cloud cost management tool that enhances the visibility, allocation, and efficiency of cloud spending at scale. The platform is designed to provide organizations with actionable recommendations, robust budget controls, and comprehensive cost policies to manage cloud expenditures effectively and avoid financial surprises. Essential features of Flexera include:

  • Unified Cloud Cost View: A single dashboard consolidates cost data from multiple cloud providers, simplifying tracking and analysis.
  • Granular Cost Allocation: Allocates costs to specific departments, projects, or workloads, facilitating precise chargeback and cost optimization.
  • Automatic Budget Alerts: Keeps spending in check by notifying teams when budget thresholds are approached or exceeded.
  • Cost Optimization Recommendations: Delivers tailored suggestions based on historical data and usage patterns to reduce unnecessary expenditures.
  • Cloud Security and Compliance: Ensures secure cloud operations and compliance with regulatory standards by identifying and mitigating potential security risks.



Flexera’s pricing details are customized based on an organization’s specific needs and scale. Interested users should contact Flexera directly to obtain tailored pricing information that aligns with their cloud management requirements.

7. Spot by NetApp

Spot by NetApp

Spot by NetApp, previously known as and originally Spotinst is a robust CloudOps tool designed for the reliable, secure, and efficient management of cloud infrastructure and applications. This tool is particularly adept at automating workload management across various cloud providers. Important features of Spot by NetApp are:


  • Automated Workload Management: Utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze cloud resource usage and optimize deployments continuously.
  • Cost-Saving Opportunities: Identifies and automates cost-saving measures, ensuring cost-effective cloud operations.
  • Efficient Scaling: Automatically scales workloads to meet demand without over-provisioning resources.



Spot by NetApp’s pricing details are typically based on the user’s usage and services. The company often uses a pay-as-you-go model, which means costs are associated with the platform’s resource usage. 

8. Cloud Zero 


CloudZero is a dynamic cloud cost optimization tool that goes beyond traditional cost management tools. Instead of just listing cloud costs, CloudZero provides a deep dive into your expenses, offering crucial business context and enabling actionable insights. Here are important  features of CloudZero

  • Unified Cost Data: CloudZero consolidates cost data from diverse sources like AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle Cloud, and more into a single, comprehensive dashboard.
  • Per-Unit Cost Insights: Unique in its capability, CloudZero offers per-unit cost analysis, such as cost per customer, cost per team, and cost per feature, enhancing decision-making precision.
  • Quick Setup for Immediate ROI: CloudZero’s setup is quick and straightforward, allowing for immediate analysis and potential cost savings..
  • Real-Time Cost Tracking: Unlike other tools that update periodically, CloudZero provides hourly updates on cloud spend, enabling timely interventions.
  • Cost Anomaly Detection: Real-time, context-rich alerts help identify and address cost spikes early, avoiding budget overruns.
  1. Identify Optimization Opportunities: CloudZero identifies which application features consume the most resources and which can be scaled back or decommissioned based on their usage.



CloudZero offers pricing plans based on usage, features: 

  • Subscription-Based: Monthly or annual subscription fees depending on the plan chosen.
  • Tiered Pricing: Different levels of service, each offering additional features, support, and scalability options.
  • Custom Plans: Options for larger enterprises that need customized solutions tailored to their specific requirements.

9. ProsperOps


ProsperOps is a cloud cost optimization service that automates the management of AWS and GCP purchase commitments, specifically targeting AWS Reserved Instances and Savings Plans. By leveraging a fully automated Effective Savings Rate (ESR) approach, ProsperOps minimizes commitment risk while maximizing savings, streamlining the process for organizations. Key features of ProsperOps are: 

  • Automated Management: Automatically purchases, manages, and adjusts AWS Reserved Instances and Savings Plans based on usage analysis, ensuring optimal savings.
  • Real-time Insights: Offers real-time visibility into AWS spending and potential savings opportunities, enabling more informed decision-making.
  • Multi-Account Support: Accommodates multiple AWS accounts, making it ideal for organizations with complex structures.
  • User-Friendly Interface: This interface simplifies the management of discount instruments, making it accessible even to those with limited technical expertise.



ProsperOps employs a savings-share pricing model, which means costs are directly tied to the savings achieved:

  • Charges $0.03 per unit saved from other compute savings commitments.
  • For savings from purchased/optimized Convertible Reserved Instances (RIs), the charge is $0.30 per unit.

10. Kubecost


Kubecost is a specialized tool designed to monitor and optimize costs for Kubernetes environments. It provides real-time cost monitoring and management, enabling organizations to gain detailed insights into how Kubernetes resources are utilized and where efficiencies can be achieved. Important features of Kubecost include: 

  • Direct Integration: It seamlessly integrates with Kubernetes on various platforms, including AWS, GCP, Azure, and on-premises environments.
  • Detailed Cost Reporting: This service offers comprehensive reports on costs by namespace, deployment, and other Kubernetes concepts, helping teams understand the financial impact of their operations.
  • Cost Allocation and Efficiency: Enables precise cost allocation and spend efficiency measures, aiding in effective budget management.
  • Budget Alerts: Sends alerts to help organizations stay within budget, implementing cost-saving measures proactively.
  • Multi-Cluster Visibility: Provides a unified view of costs across multiple Kubernetes clusters, enhancing oversight and control.



  • Free Plan: It starts at $0 : Includes cost monitoring and allocation, cost-saving insights and actions, cost reconciliation for pricing accuracy, and community support.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom Pricing: Builds upon the Free Plan by adding features such as a unified multi-cluster view, unlimited metric retention, multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud support, saved reports, custom pricing sheets, SSO/SAML, budgets, alerts, and dedicated enterprise support

How to Choose the Right Cloud Cost Optimization Platform?

When selecting a cloud cost optimization consultant, it is crucial to understand the technical landscape and how it aligns with your business objectives. Always consider choosing a partner who: 

  • Offers a blend of deep domain expertise, proven cost-reduction strategies, and a track record of enhancing performance and resource utilization. 
  • Provides clear visibility into your cloud spend and offers practical, actionable strategies to control and reduce costs.

Maximize Your Cloud Savings with Avahi

Maximize Your Cloud Savings with Avahi

Transform how you manage and optimize cloud costs with Avahi‘s AWS Cloud Cost Optimization Service. Our team of experts helps you reduce the cost of running your cloud infrastructure while enhancing performance and resource utilization.

With our comprehensive approach, including right-sizing, increased elasticity, and smart pricing models, we’re committed to maximizing your ROI on the cloud. Discover how our tailored solutions can transform your AWS experience and propel your business forward.

Ready to significantly reduce your AWS costs and optimize your cloud infrastructure?

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